Do your vehicle have overpowering cigarette smoke, mildew, mold, pet and/or terrible odors? Are you worried about the sanitation of your vehicle during this time of concern regarding Coronavirus?
Developed in conjunction with automotive reconditioning professionals, Fog-Out is used by thousands of automotive dealers and detail shops nationwide. A simple 5-minute prep and 20-minute treatment destroys odors on contact. Guaranteed. The Fog-Out kit includes everything you will need to quickly ATTACK and DESTROY odor-causing molecules using a chemical reaction that rids cars of odors – simply and effectively. Fog-Out doesn’t just mask odors – it removes them!
In addition to removing any odor Fog Out also kills any organic material it comes into contact with. Fog Out creates Chlorine Dioxide gas to do this. Chlorine dioxide gas is used to sterilize medical and laboratory equipment, surfaces, rooms and tools. Chlorine dioxide is also an oxidizer and disinfectant. It is a very strong oxidizer and it effectively kills pathogenic microorganisms such as fungi, bacteria and all viruses, including coronavirus (COVID-19). It also prevents and removes bio film. Chlorine dioxide can also be used against anthrax, because it is effective against spore-forming bacteria.
The active ingredients that are in Fog-Out are listed as an approved disinfectant for use against SARS-CoV-2 (the novel coronavirus that causes the disease COVID-19). These two active ingredients, Chlorine Dioxide and Sodium Chlorite, are proven disinfectants. We are in the process of submitting an application to be formally listed on the EPA’s List-N, thus currently we do not have an EPA Registration Number assigned to this product. We are working on a revised label that meets the criteria for this application.